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Ganache CLI

Ganache CLI Configuration and usage

Ganache CLI is the latest version of TestRPC: a fast and customizable blockchain emulator. It allows you to make calls to the blockchain without the overheads of running an actual Ethereum node.

  • Transactions are “mined” instantly.
  • No transaction cost.
  • Accounts can be re-cycled, reset and instantiated with a fixed amount of Ether (no need for faucets or mining).
  • Gas price and mining speed can be modified.
  • A convenient GUI gives you an overview of your testchain events.


Ganache can be installed via NPM:

npm install -g ganache-cli

Using Ganache CLI

Command Line

$ ganache-cli <options>


  • -a or --accounts: Specify the number of accounts to generate at startup.
  • -b or --blocktime: Specify blocktime in seconds for automatic mining. Default is 0 and no auto-mining.
  • -d or --deterministic: Generate deterministic addresses based on a pre-defined mnemonic.
  • -n or --secure: Lock available accounts by default (good for third party transaction signing)
  • -m or --mnemonic: Use a specific HD wallet mnemonic to generate initial addresses.
  • -p or --port: Port number to listen on. Defaults to 8545.
  • -h or --hostname: Hostname to listen on. Defaults to Node’s server.listen() default.
  • -s or --seed: Use arbitrary data to generate the HD wallet mnemonic to be used.
  • -g or --gasPrice: Use a custom Gas Price (defaults to 20000000000)
  • -l or --gasLimit: Use a custom Gas Limit (defaults to 90000)
  • -f or --fork: Fork from another currently running Ethereum client at a given block. Input should be the HTTP location and port of the other client, e.g. http://localhost:8545. You can optionally specify the block to fork from using an @ sign: http://localhost:8545@1599200.
  • -i or --networkId: Specify the network id the ganache-cli will use to identify itself (defaults to the current time or the network id of the forked blockchain if configured)
  • --db: Specify a path to a directory to save the chain database. If a database already exists, ganache-cli will initialize that chain instead of creating a new one.
  • --debug: Output VM opcodes for debugging
  • --mem: Output ganache-cli memory usage statistics. This replaces normal output.

Special Options:

  • --account: Specify --account=... (no ‘s’) any number of times passing arbitrary private keys and their associated balances to generate initial addresses:
$ ganache-cli --account="<privatekey>,balance" [--account="<privatekey>,balance"]

Note that private keys are 64 characters long, and must be input as a 0x-prefixed hex string. Balance can either be input as an integer or 0x-prefixed hex value specifying the amount of wei in that account.

An HD wallet will not be created for you when using --account.

  • -u or --unlock: Specify --unlock ... any number of times passing either an address or an account index to unlock specific accounts. When used in conjunction with --secure, --unlock will override the locked state of specified accounts.
$ ganache-cli --secure --unlock "0x1234..." --unlock "0xabcd..."

You can also specify a number, unlocking accounts by their index:

$ ganache-cli --secure -u 0 -u 1

This feature can also be used to impersonate accounts and unlock addresses you wouldn’t otherwise have access to. When used with the --fork feature, you can use ganache-cli to make transactions as any address on the blockchain, which is very useful for testing and dynamic analysis.


As a Web3 provider:

var ganache = require("ganache-cli");

As a general http server:

var ganache = require("ganache-cli");
var server = ganache.server();
server.listen(port, function(err, blockchain) {...});

Both .provider() and .server() take a single object which allows you to specify behavior of ganache-cli. This parameter is optional. Available options are:

  • "accounts": Array of Object‘s. Each object should have a balance key with a hexadecimal value. The key secretKey can also be specified, which represents the account’s private key. If no secretKey, the address is auto-generated with the given balance. If specified, the key is used to determine the account’s address.
  • "debug": boolean - Output VM opcodes for debugging
  • "logger": Object - Object, like console, that implements a log() function.
  • "mnemonic": Use a specific HD wallet mnemonic to generate initial addresses.
  • "port": Port number to listen on when running as a server.
  • "seed": Use arbitrary data to generate the HD wallet mnemonic to be used.
  • "total_accounts": number - Number of accounts to generate at startup.
  • "fork": string - Same as --fork option above.
  • "network_id": integer - Same as --networkId option above.
  • "time": Date - Date that the first block should start. Use this feature, along with the evm_increaseTime method to test time-dependent code.
  • "locked": boolean - whether or not accounts are locked by default.
  • "unlocked_accounts": Array - array of addresses or address indexes specifying which accounts should be unlocked.
  • "db_path": String - Specify a path to a directory to save the chain database. If a database already exists, ganache-cli will initialize that chain instead of creating a new one.
  • "account_keys_path": String - Specifies a file to save accounts and private keys to, for testing.

Implemented Methods

The RPC methods currently implemented are:

  • bzz_hive (stub)
  • bzz_info (stub)
  • debug_traceTransaction
  • eth_accounts
  • eth_blockNumber
  • eth_call
  • eth_coinbase
  • eth_estimateGas
  • eth_gasPrice
  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • eth_getBlockByHash
  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash
  • eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber
  • eth_getCode (only supports block number “latest”)
  • eth_getCompilers
  • eth_getFilterChanges
  • eth_getFilterLogs
  • eth_getLogs
  • eth_getStorageAt
  • eth_getTransactionByHash
  • eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex
  • eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex
  • eth_getTransactionCount
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt
  • eth_hashrate
  • eth_mining
  • eth_newBlockFilter
  • eth_newFilter (includes log/event filters)
  • eth_protocolVersion
  • eth_sendTransaction
  • eth_sendRawTransaction
  • eth_sign
  • eth_syncing
  • eth_uninstallFilter
  • net_listening
  • net_peerCount
  • net_version
  • miner_start
  • miner_stop
  • personal_listAccounts
  • personal_lockAccount
  • personal_newAccount
  • personal_unlockAccount
  • personal_sendTransaction
  • shh_version
  • rpc_modules
  • web3_clientVersion
  • web3_sha3

There’s also special non-standard methods that aren’t included within the original RPC specification:

Method Definition Value Returned
evm_snapshot Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block. Takes no parameters. Returns the integer id of the snapshot created.
evm_revert Revert the state of the blockchain to a previous snapshot. Takes a single parameter, which is the snapshot id to revert to. If no snapshot id is passed it will revert to the latest snapshot. Returns true
evm_increaseTime Jump forward in time. Takes one parameter, which is the amount of time to increase in seconds. Returns the total time adjustment, in seconds.
evm_mine Force a block to be mined. Takes no parameters. Mines a block independent of whether or not mining is started or stopped.

Unsupported Methods

  • eth_compileSolidity: if you’d like Solidity compilation in Javascript, please see the solc-js project.
Questions or feedback? You can discuss issues and obtain free support on Nethereum Discord channel.